The Minish Cap (TMC), is the last Zelda game developed in cooperation with Capcom. The game is overall fairly short, but has what many consider some of the best pixel art ever created for a video game. The speedruns are fast paced tests of execution including some incredibly precise setups for RNG manipulation.

Art by @Langepon
Easily one of my favorite speedrun categories. Any% is very broken due to only a handful of glitches that save large chunks of time, but these glitches tend to be very flashy in appearance and consist of crazy out of bounds movement.
Personal Best (1:40:32)
While not the typical category seen for The Minish Cap, Glitchless is still not that long overall, and a lot of basics do carry over to Any% as well. These notes are written such that it is not expected for someone to have intimate knowledge of the game, though it does make things a lot easier.